What You Need to Achieve Photo-realistic Screen Prints?
Nowadays, Photo realistic screen printing is the trending work in fashion. There are lots of efforts given by the printers to print a photo into a screen. Also, the quality of the printing is maintained to make a huge difference. Here are some of the important steps that you need to follow to achieve photorealistic screen prints. So, let’s jump to these six steps.
In the first step, you need to make sure about the tight mesh.
Secondly, you can check the sharp squeegees.
Thirdly, you can use sufficient EOM, i.e., emulsion on the screen.
In this step, you can correct off-contact to get the Custom screen printing Monroe.
Here, you can squeegee angle and speed.
At last, you can use proper flood stroke to make the picture for the print
stroke and fill the mesh openings.
these steps can provide a better outcome with getting better print quality. The
simple steps and techniques that are used in the screen print always save them
time and money. Also, these steps can improve the happy customers and garner
long-term. When you want a great print, it is always important to look at a
good deposit of emulsion and the screen tightness. The simple steps can give a
realistic look to the screen printing, whether it is real or not.
blog has explained to you to achieve photorealistic screenprints through
various important steps. If you follow the above-mentioned steps, then you can
achieve the perfect Photorealistic
Screen Prints.
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